Eczema can be stubborn to treat if you’re not addressing the root cause. Here’s a case study of one of our eczema patients who tried everything, even the prescription drug DupixentTM, but found lasting results when she finally switched to TCM herbal medicine.
Genevieve’s Story
“In February 2022, a small rash appeared below my right eye. I thought, Oh, I’ll just moisturize it,” says Genevieve*.
As the months went on, she realized she had similar spots showing up on her inner elbows, the back of her neck, and on her upper lip. She began trying different lotions that claimed to be “for eczema,” but they burned, and everything seemed to get worse.
“I was so self-conscious. My job as a dental assistant was demanding. I kept showing up to work, hoping I could just hide under my mask and safety glasses. I soon began eating lunch alone, isolating myself for fear of questions and coworkers staring,” Genevieve remembers. “I became depressed. I knew my stress was likely contributing to the rashes but I couldn’t stop living my daily routine.”
A Frustrating Search for Answers
Genevieve tried elimination diets and topical steroids, but nothing seemed to work long term. Doctors told her “Oh unfortunately, you’ll have to live with this. Keep steroids on hand.”
“In July of 2023, I experienced a deep sense of loneliness despite being happily married with a good life. We took a trip to urgent care, with me desperate for a little relief. Unfortunately, I was given prednisone which caused a full body flare-up. I had called into work (as I often did each month during a flare-up) and it ended up being 3 days in a row that I was forced to stay home.
“I sat alone and sobbed into my hands. I wondered if life was even worth living like this. Luckily, my husband checked in on me in that moment of darkness and said ‘That’s it, I’m coming home. You’re not ok.’”
DupixentTM Offered Initial Relief
“He ended up calling around to a few dermatology clinics in our area to see if they could see us right away. To my surprise, a clinic squeezed us in at the end of the day.
The doctor looked me over and said ‘Wow, honey, yes, you are hurting. I want you to start on DupixentTM today.’ After some discussion, and 2 painful injections later, we were sent home with a sense of relief that help was on the way.
My skin began to clear and best of all, I was sleeping!! Previously, terrible itching that I wouldn’t wish on even my worst enemy kept me up at all hours of the night.”
Making the Switch to TCM
But then for Genevieve, side effects of the drug kicked in. Her eyes continued to be itchy and puffy and it felt to her as if she had sand in her eyelids. Six months later, she decided to quit DupixentTM.
“My husband found Dr. Olivia through one of his extensive Google searches. I watched the eczema consultation video and I was hooked. We began treatment with her which involved vacuum packed herbs that I’ve been drinking twice daily for the last 9 months!
“Although I experienced some flare-ups over the last few months, we knew my skin was truly healing!”
Before and After Photos

What Genevieve Says Now
“Today marks a day I’ll never forget. My photos show how much better my skin is now. I feel as though ‘thank you’ isn’t enough. You’ve changed my life, Dr. Olivia! I have confidence ‘in my own skin’ again!
“Thank you for what you commit to, your empathy for sufferers like me, your passion for Chinese medicine, and your dedication in continuing to learn. My only regret is that we didn’t find you sooner! I also thank the Lord above. He is the true healer.”
*Genevieve is a pseudonym to protect this patient’s privacy
Want to Learn More About Eczema?
Dr. Olivia offers a free e-course called “Solving Eczema Inside and Out” and other resources for those suffering from eczema and topical steroid withdrawal. Also, check our media section for interviews and more articles on TSW.
About the Author
Olivia Hsu Friedman, LAc, Dipl.OM, DACM, Cert. TCMDerm, is the owner of Amethyst Holistic Skin Solutions and treats Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, and TSW. Olivia treats patients via video conferencing using only herbal medicine. Olivia is Chair of the Board of Directors of the American Society of Acupuncturists, serves on the Advisory Board of LearnSkin, and is a faculty member of the Chicago Integrative Eczema Group sponsored by the National Eczema Association.