DACM, Dipl.OM, L.AC.,
“When my own skin healed,
I was inspired to do this for others.”

Dr. Olivia Hsu Friedman
DACM, Dipl.OM, L.AC.,
Certified TCM Dermatology
“When my own skin healed,
I was inspired to do this for others.”
My Story
For most of my younger life, I had awful-looking red, purple skin patches all over my body that thickened sometimes got flaky and often had fluid coming out that crusted. It was so itchy that I scratched until it bled which made my skin even more horrendous looking. I tried conventional medical solutions which provided short bursts of healing, but inevitably my skin never got better. I felt ashamed because people would wince when they saw my skin so I minimized interactions with others. No doubt, it was a horrible way to feel and live.
With nothing to lose and honestly, no other choices, I decided to give a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncturist/Herbalist a try. Within weeks, my skin began to heal. Eventually, my skin returned to normal and ever since, it has stayed permanently healthy. The best part is, I do not take or use anything to maintain it.
Acupuncture and herbal medicine have always been a part of my family’s culture. My grandmother taught me all she knew when I would visit. After my personal experience, I decided to pursue degrees and specialize in this area so I could help others get their skin and life back.
Now, I specialize in treating both chronic and acute skin conditions, such as acne, eczema, topical steroid withdrawal (TSW), psoriasis, and other disorders. The good news is we’re seeing great results with herbal medicine protocols in stubborn cases that haven’t responded to conventional therapy.
Education and Credentials
- Doctor of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine, Pacific College of Oriental Medicine
- Traditional Chinese Medicine Dermatology Diploma, Avicenna UK
- Register of Chinese Medicine Dermatology
- Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine, National University of Health Sciences
- Summa Cum Laude
- Joseph Janse Outstanding Graduate Award
- NCAAOM Diplomate in Oriental medicine
- Licensed Illinois Acupuncturist
- Chair of the Board of Directors, American Society of Acupuncturists
- Advisory Board, LearnSkin
- Illinois Society of Acupuncturists, Member and former Vice President
- Presidential Alumni Advisory Board, National University of Health Sciences
The Story Behind the Amethyst Name and Logo
On Olivia’s 10th birthday, her grandmother who inspired her interest in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), gave her a loose amethyst birthstone.
For years the amethyst followed her and saw her through numerous life events. After Olivia’s grandmother, PoPo, passed away, Olivia set the amethyst in a ring. When she graduated from National University of Health Sciences, she wore the ring as she received her graduate degree in Oriental Medicine. The ring was on her ring finger which is often associated with the heart in TCM. The amethyst represents the gift of Chinese Medical knowledge that was passed to Olivia through her grandmother and which she now shares with you.
The amethyst logo depicts the idea of a gem shining radiantly like your skin is meant to. It also incorporates eight needles, all pointing to the center, which portrays how selected acupuncture needles work in unison by addressing the core of every issue. The logo is also intentionally symmetrical to represent the goal of TCM: the balance and harmony of the body. Lastly, the eight points give a nod to the backbone of TCM Diagnostic theory, namely the Eight Principles, and the Eight Extraordinary Meridians.