Here at Amethyst Holistic Skin Solutions, we celebrate every success story. Here’s what we heard this week from “Bob,” a client who had struggled to find the right approach to resolving a stubborn case of eczema:
Holistic Eczema Treatment
Bob recalls, “Over the last couple of years I had developed a mild, yet persistent case of eczema over various parts of my body. Over-the-counter medications initially offered some relief, but never quite cleared it up. As my symptoms became more widespread, I was referred to Olivia by a trusted health care provider I have worked with for over five years.”
“I contacted Olivia via email. She responded very quickly and we set up a video call appointment within a week’s time,” says Bob. “My initial impression of Olivia was that she is very personable and understanding. She took the time to ask questions and get to know me and all of my concerns. She is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about Chinese Herbal Medicine and loves educating her clients on the benefits of their use.”
“In working with Olivia over the course of 4+ months, her formulas really helped to control my eczema outbreaks and cleared me up completely. Keep in mind her specialty and methodology are a more holistic approach to healing that may not be the fastest — but I believe this approach is healthier to the body in the long run.”
Bob, our latest eczema success story, encourages others: “I am very happy with the results of working with Olivia and would not hesitate to recommend her to others.”
Sometimes it Just Takes A Different Approach
If you — like many of our clients — have tried several different treatments, multiple doctors, and still aren’t getting the results you hoped for in resolving your eczema, please contact us for a consultation. We have found that these sorts of cases often respond to herbal medicine. Like Bob says, it may not happen overnight, but there’s a good chance you will see improvement over a period of days or weeks.
The main reason our approach works so well is that our goal is not only to reduce symptoms, but to correct the internal imbalance that causes the eczema to keep coming back. And like Bob, you can start your healing process with a convenient video conference.
We hope you are our next success story and that we can help eczema fade into just a memory.
Need Help with Eczema?
If you are looking for answers to eczema for yourself or a loved one, take a look at this video to learn more about herbal medicine and dermatology, and what to expect during a first consultation.
Want to Learn More?
Click Here for our free e-course “Healing Eczema Inside and Out,” and you will also receive our Amethyst Holistic Skin Solutions Newsletter. Both will give you interesting information about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and eczema via articles, before/after pictures, case studies of Amethyst Eczema patients. Feel free to click the icons below to share this article with someone who may benefit.
About the Author
Dr. Olivia Hsu Friedman, LAc, DACM, Cert. TCM Dermatology is the owner of Amethyst Holistic Skin Solutions and treats eczema patients via video conferencing using only herbal medicine. Olivia serves on the Advisory Board of LearnSkin, is the Chair of the American Society of Acupuncturists Board of Directors, and is a faculty member of the Chicago Integrative Eczema Support Group sponsored by The National Eczema Association.