Lizza* had nodular and cystic acne, a severe form of acne that is very hard to clear up with most western treatments because it occurs deep under the skin and thus, doesn’t respond to most topical products. The nodules feel like hard bumps that last for weeks and months. They are difficult to capture by photograph when they are skin colored but Lizza could feel how uneven her skin felt and often, when they burst, they’d become red and inflamed. The cycle was not welcome in Lizza’s life to say the least and she was ready for an answer to her lifelong battle when she came to Amethyst. Below you can see how the texture of her skin changed after herbal medicine.

What Lizza Has to Say
“I am in my early 50s and have had chronic acne since I was in my teens. I cannot remember a time when I wasn’t using treatments to cover up the pimples. After working with Olivia, I would be making up my face for work, pull out my concealer and realize I had no acne to cover up!
Over the decades of dealing with acne, I have had multiple types from cystic to tiny little pustules, but I always seemed to have something. I went to dermatologists, used topical treatments as well as took various medications. They worked some, but never completely got rid of the acne. Additionally, they caused other issues with my skin and truthfully, I didn’t like the idea of using something chemical on my skin or in my body.
Olivia lives multiple states away from me so she never met with me personally to treat me, but that never diminished the effectiveness or my pleasure with her genuine care and professionalism. After a thorough discussion of my health, lifestyle, issues, etc., Olivia developed a custom Chinese herbal formula for me to drink twice a day that was delivered to my home. I sent her photographs before each virtual appointment where we would discuss at length any changes. Based on what she observed to be going on in my system, she would either keep me on the current formula or make modifications to the formula to work with the changes that were occurring in my body.
Very quickly into the treatment I was noticing that my skin felt much younger to the touch. I hadn’t realized how unhealthy it had become over the years, but it began to feel smooth and supple. As I continued to work with Olivia, the acne also began to clear up. My skin has finally cleared up after all these years. It looks and feels so much more youthful and radiant and I no longer struggle with what was a daily issue.
In addition to the Chinese herbs, Olivia was able to make recommendations to my diet to help long-term. I eat healthy and clean, but I learned the preparation was causing internal issues that were presenting as acne. The treatment and knowledge that Olivia has provided me has made a world of difference!”
Need Help with Acne?
If you know someone who would like to resolve their acne, this video provides more information about herbal dermatology solutions. We help acne patients from all over via video conference.
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About The Author
Dr. Olivia Hsu Friedman, LAc, DACM, Cert. TCM Dermatology is the owner of Amethyst Holistic Skin Solutions and treats acne patients via video conferencing using only herbal medicine. Olivia serves on the Advisory Board of LearnSkin, is the Chair of the American Society of Acupuncturists Board of Directors, and is a faculty member of the Chicago Integrative Eczema Support Group sponsored by The National Eczema Association.